The only elaboration needed here is that that is a new account and Canada just called for an election. The conservative propaganda machine is desperate to try and catch up to the sudden political changes.
Edit: Oh boy, “joined 4 days ago.” It’s not hard to tell an election was just called.
“No, you don’t understand, if you just don’t think about the consequences of the things you say or do, this is really funny!”
You should genuinely be embarrassed to post this kind of stuff.
Ah yes, nothing like a little chauvinism to start my day. Women should be seen, not heard, amirite guys?
/s just in case.
Ah yes, blame the victims, that’s sure to solve the problem. I suppose I should also blame the people who live in the building that was dropped for boarding with a terrorist? I mean they can just choose to be somewhere else, right?
Fuck off.
No one should be surprised. We’ve seen who these people are time and time again. But we shouldn’t be so desensitized to moral bankruptcy that we completely overlook such a disgusting disregard for human life.
I just think, especially when we’re pulling the trigger ourselves, we should be sad, maybe disappointed, that it’s come to that. Bad people are still people, and while I believe they throw away their right to life when they start indescriminately revoking it from others, I don’t ever want to find myself happy to take life. I’ll be happy later, in the better world that’s been created.
So many people talking about the fact that this leaked, and not enough are talking about what leaked.
We have political leaders throwing up fire emoji’s over dropping a building on a terrorist, with no regard for the, what, dozens? of innocent lives that were lost in the crossfire.
If you have to kill someone, sure, that’s a moral position we can discuss. No one should ever be celebrating it, particularly when others died in the process. But hey, they’re not Americans, so they don’t count.
The extreme left wants state managed fascism to the benefit of in groups, and the extreme right wants wealth managed fascism to the benefit of in groups. We’re just so used to choosing between the mild right and the extreme right that we’ve begun to confuse the mild left - the political group who wants to meet everyone’s basic needs - for the extreme.
I’m tired of seeing run-of-the-mill social democracy paraded around as “the far left.”
This is literally my “message received” emote.
If people thought it was rude, I’d be fired by now.