Ideas and idiologies are more than just left and right.
Facism is a way of doing things. It just usually is more prominent with the political right wings because of authotarianism. But there also are left facists. One just doesnt call them that. Leninists, maoists, stalinists, tankies
I am sure king charles III wont mind you back. But you will have to pay for the tea you threw into the harbor!! That good tea!!!
The colonies are coming back you say?
turns on dramatic lights and orchester playing
“You say The price of my love’s not a price that you’re willing to pay You cry In your tea, which you hurl in the sea when you see me go by Why so sad? Remember, we made an arrangement when you went away Now, you’re making me mad Remember, despite our estrangement, I’m your man You’ll be back, soon, you’ll see You’ll remember you belong to me You’ll be back, time will tell You’ll remember that I served you well Oceans rise, empires fall We have seen each other through it all And when push comes to shove I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!”
Be it right or left. Militia or paramilitary is always big no no
“The rights of one end there where the rights of another begin” - Kant
It is though. Britain is only due to their health care system which is trash
Seeing what reddit has been doing, this isnt suprising
And even if not. Resistance is incredibley good
It is easy. The EU has the EU-BLUE CARD for specialists like medical specialists
And it doesnt hurt learning a language ^^
Then sorry, must have misread your comment. Thanks for clarifying.
Finally the last of us Euros are hearing the trumpet and want to get away from the shackles of the eagle
Just thought so. Carry on
To all Dentists and doctors and others:
Litterly why i am still alive
Are you calling europe third world?
OP are you american?
Gratulations! More years of soberness to come for you!
The romans never had a salut like that
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