So unbelievably fucking done with this OwN tHe LiBs bullshit. Like do you want a brownie? An award for being the best Leftist? Jesus christ some of yalls have completely lost the plot.
This is why leftists consistently lose elections.
OP most of all.
Yet people have fun making the same memes at conservatives and others of different thought. Do you hold the same stance against them?
Oh please, if we’d hold conservatives to any values at all they would lose right now! And they’d probably throw a tamper tantrum while complaining how unfair everyone is, all while continuing to destroy every last bit of freedom we have left!
Mienshao is done considering that they might hold contradictory values.
I’m just mad at liberals and expressing that; I’m not sure why there needs to be a plot.
So you’re in with the enemy. Clearly.
OP are you american?
Nope, why?
Just thought so. Carry on
Bombing Yemeni pirates is not news.
Including a journalist in your war plans would be hilarious news if it wasn’t also tragic.
Bombing Yemeni pirates is not news.
I like how you reduced the Yemeni blockade to “piracy”.
You’re arguing with people I have tagged Zionist and Liberal; who have more of an issue with a slight increase in the price of global shipping, over one of the poorest countries who have been living under a US-Saudi genocide, implementing a blockade on trade with Israel for committing genocide.
The blockade ended during the ceasefire, that’s all it takes to end the blockade. These people don’t have smoke for the unjust blockades America does like on Cuba either. A blockade to apply economic penalties to a country for committing genocide is moral and just. Just as it would’ve been to blockade trade with Nazi Germany.
Plus the US and Israel are bombing Yemeni civilians
You’re arguing with people I have tagged Zionist and Liberal; who have more of an issue with a slight increase in the price of global shipping, over one of the poorest countries who have been living under a US-Saudi genocide, implementing a blockade on trade with Israel for committing genocide.
Oh no I wasn’t expecting coherent counterarguments (as you alluded to, their positions are built on a fundamental disregard for human life); I just like to call out clowns on their bullshit.
Unauthorised people tried to board shipping with the right of innocent passage. They are pirates.
In international waters, regardless of the ship’s destination, owner, or origin.
Uh… I’m pretty sure you need to take ships for ransom or other material gain before you’re considered a pirate. The Houthi blockade is just that, a blockade (definitely needs to be more targeted though), and frankly I care a lot more about opposing genocide than freedom of navigation.
Piracy consists of any of the following acts:
(a) any illegal acts of violence or detention, or any act of depredation, committed for private ends by the crew or the passengers of a private ship or a private aircraft, and directed:
(i) on the high seas, against another ship or aircraft, or against persons or property on board such ship or aircraft;
(ii) against a ship, aircraft, persons or property in a place outside the jurisdiction of any State;
(b) any act of voluntary participation in the operation of a ship or of an aircraft with knowledge of facts making it a pirate ship or aircraft;
© any act of inciting or of intentionally facilitating an act described in subparagraph (a) or (b).
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982
The “blockade” fits detention in (a). The missiles they fired at the ships fit the violence.
For private ends. That part is important.
They are being contracted by Iran to do this.
Uh… What do you think the Houthis are? They’re an independent political entity with their own goals, ideas and people. Even if they were doing this at Iran’s bidding they wouldn’t be “contracted” and their goals wouldn’t be private ends.
You’re right, religious extremists is much better. They all follow the same pedophile prophet and that’s the only reason they back each other
Fucking sigh. Religious extremists are much better than Israel’s Generalplan Sud alliance, yes; good thing you realize.
No actually they’re both religious extremist dipshits fighting over the same worthless wasteland. If Iran wants a fight with Israel then fucking do it, hopefully they take each other out and we can get two birds at once. Don’t disrupt global trade and attack random civilian ships that want nothing to do with this stupid ass religious war between fucking idiots
Ah yes, the zero state solution.
Lol good counter argument. Just sigh until people agree with you. Get a paddle and you’ll be worth as much a fuck as the dipshits in congress
I’m not sure if its only the liberals who are like this, but it seems like the a lot of american people don’t care about the destructive US foreign policy