$15 USD for a big mac and drink. On a $7.25/hr minium wage. Neither cheap nor good lol stay home you’re certainly better off
Yeah, don’t. Not right now.
This was mostly my impression as an Interned worker. Most of our “checkouts” were ILLs (inter-library loans) from universities, so there wasn’t even much opportunity to talk about books with people
It’s alright, I was never a real librarian (that’s a title that’s deceptively hard to earn btw) but was a interned worker for one during much of undergrad. I definitely felt cool wearing a cardigan and stocking a huge cart of books but also had to tell people they can’t watch porn on the computers about three times a week, so…
Ok buddy. And yet you’re signing up for poor people cards
Yeah 4 credit cards in any short amount of time is going to send off the bureaus. To OP, what’s wrong with “only” $5,000 in credit? You know they’ll boost it after just a few months of timely payments, right?
I think he’s trying to save Tesla’s sales freefall more than anything tbh
Yeah, no, you need to cut them out of your life and never look back. The fact that 1) they have a special interest in you, 2) they sound like they have a weird attraction to kids, and 3) you say you’re disabled in some way seems like you’re being preyed upon. Good on you for picking up on things, now you need to act on your feelings, stop giving them the benefit of the doubt, and get away from that situation.
I think AI is still too new to have an ethical consensus by philosophers but my own take:
Personal use? Go for it cowboy
Commercial use? Hire a real artist
We need to get this retard out of the White House!
Bread a circus. The Old Guard is fundraising higher than ever and directly benefiting from the conservative tax cuts. The handful of progressives in office are a drop of water in an ocean of blood.
I’m shooting myself
Not an addiction bro it’s harmless
I would hang myself
America has been under the threat of foreign influence since Day 1 and right now, it looks like we are temporarily under attack by agents of Eastern Europe and South Africa. Literally every noteworthy poll of the last 20 years will show that the majority of Americans are against this and it’s important to remember this harm is coming from outside.
To replace a missing badge or say something funny?
That’s my wife you’re talking about
Wasn’t this always known? Musk’s defense when he was sued for this in the 24 pres election was that it specifically wasn’t a lottery system and that the winner isn’t random but is vetted and picked before announcement, which is evidently legal.
E: Source