Given that most felons are people convicted of drug crimes and targeted because of their race, I’d say that many if not most don’t even require reform. I’d probably rather spend time with most felons than most CEOs.
Given that most felons are people convicted of drug crimes and targeted because of their race, I’d say that many if not most don’t even require reform. I’d probably rather spend time with most felons than most CEOs.
It does demonstrate the truism that transphobia doesn’t only harm trans people.
Trump has immunity for giving out corrupt pardons. Literally no one is going to jail in connection to this criminal regime.
This is not a pipe
It’s wild that we have the reserve currency of the world which is soo fucking huge. Bigger than anything else I reckon. And these assholes are just going to throw that free money away.
Yeah, a lot of people will die in the worst case and that is why system collapse isn’t the preferred method of getting out of this mess.
The good news is that the US has shown over the past 70 years that all the air power and APCs and AR15s in the world are useless against a belligerent insurgency
I doubt this. Humans are exceptionally well adapted for running. It might be the key thing that differentiates us. We probably evolved to be persistence hunters, meaning we ran down our prey. We just kept going and going until the prey overheated and we got the easy kill.
We sweat. This is the big one. We are incredible at cooling.
Our breathing is independent of our stride.
Our head is stabilized.
Our butts are overlarge for our bodies. They provide stability.
Look up the horse vs human races. Humans tend to win long distance runs.
I think you forget that the immunity decision wasn’t for democrats. The court knows that Biden wouldn’t do shit and they would have stopped him if he tried what you said. The immunity decision was for their special boy Trump and only people that align with them ideologically.
This piece seems like bullshit. Roberts knew what he was doing, and did it anyway because he is a fascist just like the rest of the fedsoc judges.
I am an abolitionist so?
A dead person would bring all the energy that they would need to portray Biden
Slavers should be shot
Wow this is new to me. The only time I’ve ever pluralized things in English is when referring to attorney generals.
“The end justifies the means. But what if there never is an end? All we have is means.” - Le Guin
It matters far more than you are giving it credit. Throwing one group under the bus is immoral and we should oppose it because of that, but it is also just stupid tactically. Our strength is solidarity. Everyone for everyone and against the oligarchs who are destroying this world.
I’d argue his career ended when he decided that genocide was wonderful
I feel like the plural should be “Bangs Maid”
I vaguely remember he was only held responsible after the masses became very very upset that he was getting off.