The law on immigration is on the side of the POTUS and the government.
The law on immigration is on the side of the POTUS and the government.
The constitutions also says the POTUS and the federal government have broad authority over immigration matters. Trump is doing what’s in his power…and both sides are going to disagree because the Left (you) want all these non-citizens to have rights. While the Right (Me) want him to do exactly what he said he was going to.
Yea, and illegal immigrants get that process too? I swear… if it was up to the Left, anyone and everyone would just be coming here and doing whatever the fuck they want… thank GOD we have Republicans too…
And thus the endless cycle… Democrats want everyone to stay and get a “fair trial” even if they’re in this country illegally…
Seriously? I support the deportation of criminals and I’m a “nazi”? Are you the ones running around painting swastikas on Teslas?
Oh geez… let us know when you’re leaving this terrible country… for greener pastures…
But, no kind of punishments right? These “legal residents” want the best of both worlds. They want to cause chaos on campuses, protest a country that gave them a better life, and then cry that they don’t deserve to be punished. It’s ridiculous. Go to any other country on Earth and do the things these students did, and see how long you last…
In another country? Can I go to South Korea, where she’s from, and cause chaos on a college campus without any kind of repercussions?
Oh brother… those were illegal immigrants, criminals. Relax, you’ll be fine.
Only in the US, can someone come here, get residency, and then protest against that same country that gave you a chance. It’s just crazy.
Here we go with the “Democrats can do no wrong…” speech…
Silly. How horrible is your life? What freedoms have you lost? Are you in prison for questioning Trump?
“My side didn’t win, so let’s sabotage everything!” Sincerely, Democrats.
Okay, bruh.
Oh brother… leave up to Liberals to want hardcore rapists and murderers to stay in the US… they’re only doing this because it’s Trump… and we both know it.
As opposed to the Left? Because they’re not gullible at all, right? LOL
Oh brother… how horrible is your life? `
Oh brother… here we go again…
What about all the hardcore criminals he sent out, should we bring them all back and release them?
ILLEGAL immigrants… let’s not confuse the two. I know your side is great at doing that. This isn’t about “who I like” it’s about enforcing the law. Just because you hold a card, or a “status” as some kind of immigrant, it doesn’t mean your immune to deportation. If the government deems you’ve abused your status, they can deport, just like any other government from any other country in the world. The reason we’re in this mess is because of people like you, that want all these rights and privileges given to non-citizens, so that it gets tied up for YEARS, and those illegal immigrants end up in the system…literally, with nothing happening. Next thing you know, they’re being deported and the left starts crying.