Maybe n Roblox. I haven’t bothered trying the games, but I know Adopt Me started as something like that.
I know the shortcuts, but I have never used shift with the numpad. I have used computers before numpad existed on computers. Maybe I am missing out on something.
Turns out she was innocent. She didn’t follow the protocol for classified documents. However the documents were not classified until after they were sent. She didn’t break the law.
It didn’t stop them though. Something must’ve been in those documents because they got buried in bureaucracy in following lawsuits.
In June 2016, in response to the Republican National Committee’s complaints filed in March 2016, the State Department estimates it will take 75 years to complete the review of documents which are responsive to the complaints. It has been observed that a delay of this nature would cause the documents to remain out of public view longer than the vast majority of classified documents which must be declassified after 25 years.
… You use capital numbers?
It has to be given, otherwise there would be infinitely many solutions.
You would need some other information to link the line segment X to the rest of the figure.
I played a similar game on Roblox: Dig to find dad.
The objective is to bomb your way some 3 kilometers downwards. When you reach the bottom you’ll find a grocery store where the dad is shopping for milk. Talking to him reveals that he doesn’t want to go home. I don’t know if other endings are possible.
I’m not American but I will promise to support you if it comes to that.
The workers unionisation in my country against land owners in the 1800s would not have succeeded without international support. I’d gladly chip in for anyone attempting to do the same.
So…if that’s your only option… when are you going to start a revolution?
I’ve seen a lot of similar comments lately. People wanting to start 3rd parties etc, because the Democrats suck so bad.
Yes, it’s true. They suck, but if you’re going to beat the Republicans, you’ll need to look at what Trump did. He didn’t start a 3rd party. No, he took the existing party and changed it into whatever the fuck it is now.
You need to change the democratic party from within too, because 3rd parties will always lose because of the first past the post. 3rd parties also have a tendency to branch out, because quite frankly, not being Democrat or Republican isn’t enough of a politic in itself, and you guys don’t get along well on anything else. The Republicans had this issue for a long time until Trump came along providing them with something that united their voters more than the previous politic of simply being not Democrats.
The democratic party already has a framework for running politics and they actually have some kind of democracy within that allows people to change it. Yeah, it will require a lot of work to get enough people engaged in politics to make the change, but it is absolutely much less than what is required to start a successful 3rd party.
English also has words like dozen (12) and score (20).
I guess it came from the physical counting in trading. Imagine counting 96 small items. It makes sense to group them into scores and then count the scores. 1 score 2 score 3 score 4 score and a half score. Then there are few remaining that didn’t fit it neatly in scores and then counted last. That’s a total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 plus the 4 and a half scores.
The traditional view that the father needs to work is strong. In Denmark we have had the opportunity to share the maternity/paternity leave between parents for several years, but most often the mother would take the majority, with only 2 weeks being specific for the father.
This is due to the imbalance in pay, since the cut in pay would be larger for a man (generally), so men voluntarily gave the leave to their wives. This is obviously not the intention of the leave and also based on the flaw of unequal pay. Keep in mind that the wage difference is often explained as being caused by the mother taking more leave and thereby not advancing her career during the years when they have small children.
So, to fix his, the latest law make more weeks untransferable. The father now has 11 weeks that can not be transferred. Use it or lose it.
One would expect such a removal of flexibility to make people upset, because technically it will cost the families more potential income, but it hasn’t.
It turns out that most men actually wanted the additional weeks of paternity leave. They just needed it to be normalized and/or the legal framework to demand it, so they don’t have to have this discussion with their employers or wives. No man is ever asked why they’re taking it now. Use it or lose it makes sense to everyone.
In addition we still have 26 (13+13) weeks that can be transferred however the parents want. Still very flexible.
Grand staff drifting
Vance is full of shit.
Denmark has kept it’s promises and patrolled the entire area for all these years. The latest encounter with Russians was by he Danish patrols. They all were.
USA used to have 6000 soldiers on Greenland. Today they have 150. USA has done jack shit with their military bases on Greenland, except for leaving behind environmental disasters, which Denmark has paid for cleaning up.
Is Denmark not treating the Greenlanders right? Maybe, but how will they be treated by USA? Will they even get to vote in American elections? I fucking doubt it.