dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️

Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • I addressed that in another comment here. The long and short of it (very long, as it happens) is that the volume you’d need is still the same. So your elongated balloon would have to be well beyond what most people would consider to be ridiculously tall. 325.5 meters tall, in fact, given the 0.75 meter diameter I assumed to start with. I figure most people could probably stand in a 0.75m circle provided they didn’t wave their arms around a bunch.

  • You can absolutely configure Windows to open folders – and all other shortcuts – with a single click, and IIRC one of the knocks against Windows ME was that this was the default option. And it was godawful, along with the “click” noise it made on navigation. (I think it was WinME. I’ve probably suppressed the memory, and rightly so.)

    But the long and short of it is if you want consistency between your UI’s in that regard you can indeed have it.

  • I can:

    • Accomplish damn near anything from a command line
    • Write machine code
    • Remember a fairly broad swath of special character altcodes without looking them up
    • Disassemble damn near any computer or other machine, and stand a good chance of putting it back together

    But also:

    • Use modern programming languages, including object oriented paradigms
    • Actually read what is on my screen and comprehend it, including error messages
    • Understand and operate any arbitrary interface without having to have it explained to me by rote

    Behold my mixture of skills, and tremble.

  • This is absolutely by design, and it is so users can be provided the absolute minimum of Privacy-ishtm, but also explicitly so that management can easily verify if a stall is occupied in case any poors/junkies are camping out in there.

    It’s also so that public bathroom facilities can be spray-down, and you can wedge a brush in the gaps easily without there being crevices for mold/mildew and other… substances… to remain in.

  • IIRC they never did anything specifically on veganism. They have attacked various diet fads and in particular (S07E06) the organic food hype. They definitely picked on that guy who was getting in peoples’ faces about raw-food-only, but to be fair that guy was also acting like a prick. In the episode on PETA, Penn repeatedly comments on “skinny vegetarians,” but also consistently represents himself as a “fat [carnivore] fuck,” so there’s that.

    It’s been many years since I watched the entire show, so maybe there’s a bit I don’t remember. But they definitely did not do an episode devoted to it.

  • It’s both simultaneously anyway, because Blade Runner’s entire jam is that it’s ambiguous whether Deckard (and even moreso McCoy) really is a replicant after all. As you have observed the true canonical answer has waffled over time with various cuts and recuts of the movie, although I believe Ridley Scott stated that the original intention was for him to have been a rep all along. And book Deckard is explicitly human.

    Anyway, the replicants as depicted in all incarnations are clearly biological constructs and not mechanical, so while they’re certainly artificial the notion of whether or not they’re “robots” to begin with is highly debatable. Nexus-6, at least, has truly human intelligence to the extent that the built in 4 year expiry timer is required lest they emotionally mature enough to gain just a little bit too much free will for their designers’ liking. This is also why the Voight-Kampff test is necessary versus just waving a metal detector at them or X-raying them or whatever.