Is son below 18? Yes, but read up on romeo and juliet laws of your region for when they come of age.
Make sure they are knowledgeable and well prepared to avoid risk of unwanted pregnancy.
Is son below 18? Yes, but read up on romeo and juliet laws of your region for when they come of age.
Make sure they are knowledgeable and well prepared to avoid risk of unwanted pregnancy.
OP I don’t want to take your crutches away but do your best to limit intake and find alternative outlets because the damage you’re doing to your body can never be undone.
It’s a bit problematic that you disagree with reality, but you’re not really my problem so you do you.
Obviously everybody now has high end computers, cameras, a variety of lenses, phones, etc. Foldable Ebikes like the aipas would fit in the space.
1 meter solar panels are a hit but since most batteries and capacitors require materials difficult to handle it becomes highly demanded.
Every political building now has thick blastproof exteriors as making bombs has never been easier, judges live in the courthouse now.
I could cut ties with a person over the most trivial of things, but as a consequentialist I would be betraying logic by labelling somebody as unforgiveable.
That is not to say that I would ever let a person go without consequences, far from it.
Just Embargo even, idgaf about fossil fuels.
We haven’t had 60 DNC since 1979.
When we had 58 in 2010 for only 72 days we got Medicaid Expansion, would have dirt cheap public option like they do in European countries if not for Joe Lieberman caucusing independent. Well, him and every single Republican who voted no.
Try it first then tell me it doesn’t work.
I hope you get better
Xianxia lied to me?
Ethics does not. A case against archaic morality can be made, but not Ethics.
Did Twitter in retweets not display the added context at the bottom which says this particular doctor illegally expirimented on infants and served prison time?
It won’t make healthcare free ever, if its 1 or 100. Only voting can do that.
Let me stop you right there. Health insurance is a blight on humanity. They do NOT provide healthcare.
You. You right there.
You literally have a system that funds hospitals and healthcare by taking small amounts from everyone. That part isn’t the problem. The problem is allowing it to be done for massive profits.
To outlaw that while also not providing any replacement would be the same as sentencing tens of millions to die or suffer from treatable illness.
Killing Brian brought us 0% closer to socialized healthcare. You’re arguing with a nonexistent strawman whom supports private healthcare because it sure as fuck ain’t me.
Tankies fr just the worst, they’re the number one downside to Lemmy.
The anticommunism crowd is weaker than its ever been, the problem is Tankies don’t support any real communism just dictatorship.
The concept of Liberalism is literally the same as supporting human rights.
Even the UHC, probably rhe worst company in the US not including health sharing ministries, is a net positive compared to no health insurance. The large majority of claims get approved, wealth gets redistributed to cover those who need it.
If people don’t want companies making massive profit of off peoples’ sickness and debts then there is a political party with that stance. But the US en masse keeps choosing suffering, choosing to create CEOs like Brian.
Trump, Trump, Jill Stein (David Duke doesnt like Israel)