• 45 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Well this is what I think since I often fall into that kind of thinking and kind of reflected on how I recently voted on a proposition.

    It was increase to the sales tax to make the area “safer and vibrant” and touted as a major way in this prop was providing help for affordable housing. My brain went immediately jumped to the more progressive leaning side and went, I’d love to help those who can’t afford housing and yeah, I don’t mind paying a bit more tax even though I don’t particularly like the whole more regressive taxation kind of thing but overall it would be a great thing. Then I looked at the break down and saw that only 17 percent of the funding would actually go toward affordable housing.

    That’s where the more fiscally conservative part went, huh, well that doesn’t pass the sniff test if you’re making this about affordable housing and making things “safer” for them and the community dafuq is it only 17 percent of the budget there? Well digging in, 45 percent of this would have gone to cops and first responders, heavy emphasis on cops with articles going on about how the cops were looking forward to buying a helicopter. That fiscally conservative part of me went, yeah, that’s wasting my god damn tax money then.

    At that point my NWA part of the brain went, you assholes want to hire more cops with no change in hiring standards where we already have a problem with way too many racists ass police, give them cars, helicopters, more tasers and guns, and body cameras that we don’t have access to the footage and no consequences if these assholes turn them off during an their encounters with the public? ACAB you bunch of tone deaf jackasses and Fuck the Police.

    Needless to say, I did not vote for that increase in taxes.