you won’t catch every one using easy tells like this. they’re just good heuristics.
you won’t catch every one using easy tells like this. they’re just good heuristics.
they only had to fucking defend him. in court or in the riots; whichever.
if this bastard is a shill for zio’s, your country’s continued existence means opposing them, personally and politically, at every opportunity.
yeah none of those are suuuuuper productive lines of questioning. I can think of multiple plausible outs on all of them. maybe not the wire.
there’s also some behavioral tells. the best one: cops don’t know theory. the better ones can memorize some stuff, but they can’t extrapolate. there’s more, but think along those lines.
if you’re cool enough; theyll probably at least take a shot at killing you, sure. so just not pissing off the most violent thugs is success? doing tricks and getting rewarded with table scraps from the people who steal everything from everyone is success? being part of the engine of horror and misery that keeps anything from ever getting better is success?
I’m just trying to figure out what people mean when they say ‘success’ here.
when a fascist accuses someone of something; they’re always guilty of the thing themselves.
plenty of people disagree with me for really good reasons. there are genuine things to argue about.
if you don’t think the tesla stuff is worth paying attention to, just do something the fuck else. don’t yuck others’ yum ‘because its not the absolute best use of your time, guys, stop’.
they do genuinely seem to have a pretty bad time, but the reactions to ‘bad’ are all different and very frequently not okay.
it turns out suffering is not a virtue, and only an excuse when it’s topical.
edit: I feel like, psychopaths tend to have some common stuff. it’s usually unpleasant. it sounds like a remarkably unpleasant way to be. I have had a few in my life, at various levels of opposition. You can’t really do anything about their suffering. if you have a dark enough sense of humor, you can have fun with them. I think that’s probably good. but it’s a developmental thing; I don’t think they can ‘get better’. you can’t fix it. you can just amuse them where they’re at.
that said: you should generally not put up with their bullshit if it’s not convenient. that is not helping. you are not mitigating anything by letting them exploit or abuse you.
if you’re in a position where you have some responsibility to help them, and they’re being assholes, you may have to decide whether to deal with it. some of the more impulsive ones may not be able to not be assholes, and it’s up to your tolerances whether you try to help them despite that. they probably deserve it; they’re still people in most of the ways that matter, but that doesn’t mean it has to come from you.
you aren’t rewarded by the oligarchs we give all our resources to, in return for the occasional table scrap, climate change, and the possible end of the species. which is what we’ve trained to see as ‘success’.
you can still be successful.
the ‘dont step on me’ is just a part of their non-con kink.
the subtext is ‘step on me daddy. step on me harder.’
yeah, no fucking mercy for chuds. exploit this bitch. find something kinda-luxury-kinda-functional but entirely made up, so she can always buy as much as she can afford, then just be her ‘cheap’ supplier. say you’ve got a good deal because you know a guy. then just… keep it up.
if you must continue interacting with her, I mean.
lindberg; guy who famously killed his own baby. apparently pretty good at planes.
hey, cool idea? what if you didn’t start the infighting with your civility bullshit?
maybe you should fuck up a car as penance.
huh. wonder how that happens. guess we’ll never know. oh well.
lol, no, americans don’t get those.
only because they’re made dumb, they’re made small, they’re made blind and deaf and numb because seeing and hearing and feeling hurts too much and this way is just easier. not thinking is easier. not caring is easier. it’s not like thinking helps. it’s not like caring helps. not when you’re totally atomized.
but there are things to do. things you don’t even have to be intelligent or compassionate to manage.
so, the 1940s were a result of what happened in the 20s and thirties. and america almost went nazi. like, we almost had a nazi president elected instead of FDR the first time, and the business plot almost worked. would have, if they hadn’t chosen a military leader who’d turned socialist since retiring.
the 1960s… honey. do you really believe america was leftist? there were some kids who were. the anti war movement was pretty big, and they all had to be okay with lefty tactics, but it’s not fair to say ‘america was leftist’. richard nixon still got elected the first time.
americans are traiend to be cattle. this is true. and yes, the techniques for that training are better than they used to be.
look up what happened in the late 70s and 80s. it kiiiinda started under carter, but you get the sense he would have pulled back once he saw how it was going, and also tried to do good stuff (it just literally all got stopped). look at the career of newt gingrich. plus, ronald reagan and it’s consequences have been a disaster for humanity. they set in motion subtle sabotage of society that devastated the potential of future education or anything becoming less awful, while most of the cool people around at the time were exiled locked in deep dark cages or straight up assassinated by feds.
funny you should mention ‘social order’ though. the wealthy and powerful still do care. their version just isn’t the same as yours. have you ever read ‘a handmaid’s tale’ or ‘the turner diaries’? because those are the books they jack off to.
there are islamic terrorists in the americas? I call bullshit. terrorists are straight white cis men.