Also known as snooggums on and

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Dove and Caress bars are pretty similar in shape, both are shaped like obese Pringles.

    Even without copyright/trademark/branding kinds of protections a lot of companies don’t want to be confused with others and try to have their own unique style. The ones that do are likely going to be at the dollar store, and when I checked just now it looks like they sell Dove bars at the dollar stores so there doesn’t appear to be room on the shelves for a Dove knockoff even there.

  • The US already has soldiers on Greenland as part of the Space Farce Force. I’m sure you mean an occupying force though, and that voting block tends to be isolationist but they also change on a whim ao who knows.

    I can’t see popular support for war efforts to invade other countries to expand US territory going over well. I also see a huge blowback from NATO and while the US has a lot of range the main reason for it to project that is because our two massive borders are currently friendly nations. If the US pisses off NATO, it would need to defend all the borders at the same time because Mexico might not be part of NATO but it sure wouldn’t have our back.

    We can beat up small middle eastern countries, but that is also because there isn’t a multinational counteroffensive. Plus Russia has blown their cover on just how shitty and incompetent their military actually is, so while they could do a lot of damage with wave tactics, they are already so desperate for human wave fodder that they hit up North Korea.

    Russia might cause truble, but it won’t be carving anything up. The US is going to shoot itself in the dick if it pisses off NATO because the public hates long, drawn out wars.

    The US and Russia might try anyway, but it won’t be something they win.

  • I know you are looking for papers so it is probably yhr latter, but I started typing and refuse to stop babbling.

    Are you talking about art you create or to verify works you have come across?

    If you are making it, document the process. Easy to prove something when the steps are shown, like screenshots of work in progress or photos of the setup before taking a photgraph which AI can’t reliably recreate.

    If it is something else, it will be like photoshop where there are or will be some telltale signs to looks out for when observing in fine enough detail. Like currently a lot of AI art has the number of fingers peoblem but also has problems with getting lighting consistent in different ways than humans tend to. A lot of written text has some telltale features as well.

    But proving something is human created and definitely not AI is hard because we use a lot of tools that could be mistaken for AI if the tools have complex algorithms. Something made in photoshop bynaltering a photo by a human with intentional actions might end up looking like AI for example. Same with music.

  • Like every large religion, a significant portion of the followers will ignore any teaching in the right contexts. Christians are about turning the other cheek and loving thy neighbor except for the crusades and witch trials, Islam is the religion of peace except for when it isn’t, and Buddhism has its own exceptions.

    As found in other religious traditions, Buddhism has an extensive history of violence dating back to its inception.

    These remarks followed the 1973 student-led uprising, as well as the creation of a Thai parliament and the spread of communism in neighboring East Asian countries. The fear of communism shaking the social forms of Thailand felt a very real threat to Kittivuddho, who expressed his nationalist tendencies in his defense of militant actions. He justified his argument by dehumanizing the Communists and leftists that he opposed. In the interview with Caturat he affirmed that this would not be the killing of people, but rather the killing of monsters/devils. He similarly asserted that while killing of people is prohibited and thus de-meritorious in Buddhist teachings, doing so for the “greater good” will garner greater merit than the act of killing will cost.