Why do we care what they think if we dislike them then? Surely if they are greedy oligarchs this would likely be a good thing.
Why do we care what they think if we dislike them then? Surely if they are greedy oligarchs this would likely be a good thing.
The bank. Who pops money into existence out of nothing with no reserve requirement.
You’re mortgage isn’t borrowed from Bill down the street, its created from the ether.
This is because boomers now consume less, so currency needs to be debased to provide the level of consumption to increase, to match 2% inflation.
The less people consume as demographics age the more repressed the youth will be, as we lock up inelastic goods behind massive debt. It doesn’t matter how nominally rich boomers get, if they don’t consume our money supply will grow.
People speculate with cheap mortgage debt, nobody is spending their own money.
They could also just as easily be speculating that the currency will inflate and it will debase their debt, as the Fed does QE.
The further you get from the gold standard the worse it gets. Because debt needs to grow to pay past debt, and mortgage debt is what we use to boost GDP.
So do we like Trump now or do we like tech billionaire?
The pen is, mightier than the sword.
Are you familiar with the elders of zion, which was believed by a huge number of people all over the globe, even though it was totally ridiculous. The average person is not smart, though I may be a tad pessimistic I suppose.
Every country suffers from this, America is just the most rich and therefore visible due to geographic benefits and the Bretton Woods system.
Germany was actively shutting down its nuclear power before Russia attacked, China has a giant property bubble that’s collapsing, the Eurozone is rushing in a CBDC to prop up its failing currency, Canada is doing mass immigration to hide it’s failing business climate. Its the same all over, people love faux economic growth and they love to borrow from the future.
I bet this guy wanted to get to work and if no one was injured went at a crawl to push them out of the way, Musk is likely barely inconvenienced by any of this and would still fire this guy for being late.
Reddit and Lemme are right leaning?
I had no idea, does it seem that way on this post?
Its almost like low taxes and loose monetary policy leads to share buybacks and shittier products as the CPI reports rapid deflation and more share buybacks with debt accrual.
What movie was that, Inspector Gadget?
What does DEI mean in respect to Disney, does it just mean changing existing characters to their non-white equivalent?
If your system relies on censoring opposition to it then its probably not very good.
Saying they supposedly “broke the law” and worked illegally for decades is disregarding the economic benefits their cheap labor brought to US corporations, who no longer had to pay American wages. If we then them away we are turning our backs on our own corporations.