The thing I use is the best thing
Physics and Free Software
The thing I use is the best thing
Waiting doesn’t take effort. Waiting patiently does.
I’ll ‘walk heavy’ in stores or stairwells whenever there is a blind corner
This is the editor wars equivalent of taking your shirt off and yelling “come at me bro!”
Tbf codium is a very well optimized electron app. Don’t believe me? Try discord
The best way to talk to a woman is to treat her like a person
Beat me to it
Joke’s on you. Billy Bob Joe Bob and his pig cousin Suuuuey Jane Sue Jane don’t have passports
‘Departments’ such as the Department of Energy, the Department of Transportation, the State Department etc. are under the umbrella of the Executive Branch. Each Department has a Secretary. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Urban Development etc. The Secretaries act as liasons for their respective department and report directly to the Chief Executive (president). Given the president is Chief Executive he can give orders to the Departments which “they have to follow” provided they are not illegal or are beyond the department’s budget. These issues, in principle, would be handled by the Judicial and Legislative branches respectively.
All that said, since the president is “in charge” of the Departments he can order them to do whatever he wants in addition. Typically, the president “tells” the Departments what he “wants” done and they will address that issue. An Executive Order is more forceful.
From a constitutional perspective, the problem with Executive Orders and Departments is that they aren’t addressed at all. Constitution establishes the existance of the branches of goverment and lays out general rules, but it doesn’t have anything to say about the structure of the executive branch or even how many judges are on the Supreme Court.
The only way executive orders can be addressed is by law. The legislative branch would need to write amd pass it with 2/3 majority vote to bypass a certain presidential veto.
When you say bookings, do you mean microsoft bookings? I tried it, but I can’t figure out how to get it to use more than one calendar
Why not with screencap?
Interesting. I’ll try it out!
“Hoisted by your own petard” is from Hamlet. Equivalent to “It blew up in your own face” but with more of a cause of hippocracy
There are a lot of good Texasism. I was living in Texas when I first heard “Oh bless her heart.”. Mean either she’s a good person, or she’s dumber than dog shit.
Me and the other guy agree. Yours is not the best thing