Grieving Palestinian Americans are demanding an arms embargo from their lawmakers as Israel escalates its genocide.
will be rejected by %90 of democrats %100 of republicans
I think the point is to get names of politicians who have been otherwise trying to avoid publicly taking a position on the public-record.
all those names! the world is saved!
Extremely common Bernie W
Should have been president.
And Bernie’s citizenship had been revoked and he is being deported back to…. New York City?
I keep wondering why the “Genocide Joe” folk aren’t now screeching about “Genocide Donald”.
Point me to anyone on Lemmy supporting Trump or denying his role in the genocide and I promise I’ll give them an earful. But otherwise it would be like randomly screaming, “MURDERING PUPPIES IS BAD!” like chill, pretty sure we’re all on the same page about that. The difference is that there’s a bunch of people on here who think murdering puppies is fine if the person doing it has a (D) next to their name.
Either you are blind or don’t want to hear it. People have been calling out Trump for this genocide since day one. Heck, there’s hundreds of posts doing that right now on Lemmy
Neither of those assumptions are true. Perhaps I’m just too good at blocking this stuff. The only “genocide Don” stuff I’ve seen is in my own posts.
So your grudge isn’t about people calling out the genocide? It is specifically about the “genocide joe” moniker?
Exactly. Genocide Joe became an ampliganda slogan during the election. It’s completely justified to criticize Biden’s support for Israel. The problem is that wasn’t a valid distinction between him and Trump, given Trump’s prior support for Netanyahu.
In his first term, Trump removed restrictions on Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory. Netanyahu was so grateful, he named a settlement after Trump in Golan Heights. Trump also stated that “Israel should just finish the job, and stop recording videos” of their atrocities, saying they’re losing the PR war.
No one is defending Biden’s support of Israel. We’re saying that moniker was used to disengage voters, leading to Trump’s win, and ultimately the eradication of the West Bank in favor of a billionaire resort.
You’re making a lot of assumptions about me matey.
It’s more of an observation. A few months ago it was all Genocide Joe this, Genocide Joe that, Genocide Joe the other, and now that the war has resumed with the USA having released more powerful bombs that Joe was holding back it’s somewhat surprising that there apparently hasn’t been a peep from anyone. But as you say, if you are seeing it then maybe my feed is too well filtered.
“more powerful bombs that Joe was holding back” - youre right, the Democrat was the Good Guy ALL ALONG
You should consider entering the Olympics. With mental leaps that big you’re sure to win a medal.
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I’m confused. Why does seeing “Genocide Joe” and not seeing “Genocide Don” mean there’s a problem with my moral compass? How exactly am I at fault for other people not posting stuff?
Let me help you. No one saying Genocide Bibi. Because they are “public” about their goal. Joe on the other hand, “pretend” about stopping them but at the same time allowing them to commit war crime and blocking all votes in the us.
So yes no need to say Genocide Trump because he doesnt even hide.
You are putting way too much effort into explaining people being used for ampliganda.
Regardless of who would get elected, weapons would flow into israel.
Saying Genocide Joe felt good. Because it was designed to feel good. Like every piece of ampliganda.
Get over it.
I imagine this is a rhetorical question. I am fairly certain most of those “people” if you want to call them that were not actual people, and those who were were groomed and misled into parroting those talking points to weaken something closer to “democratic” leadership, and strengthen the hand of those who are ready to move past democracy and all its pesky laws that they have to navigate in their subjugation of all but the ultra wealthy. I imagine they are the same “people” who would classify Sanders as a “massive disappointment”.
They were throwing a wedge to get Trump elected. We all knew it. Beware the same tactics before every election. They do it because it works.
For people downvoting this.
Genocide Joe uses the same mechanic as DEI, or MAGA. It is an ampliganda slogan.
It was used for a political purpose. Elections.
Yall need to realize this and move on.
Exactly. I’m in no way defending Biden’s handling of Israel, but it was never a question that he was the lesser of two evils for Palestinians at the polls.
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Totally, Jan.
Are you for real? You think Trump is better for Palestinians?
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Welcome to FPTP elections. Make a choice between bad and worse or the choice will be made for you. You will not be given an ideal option. Be an adult and pick the one that will cause less damage or watch the nation burn from your apathy.
I think you’re all gaslighting yourselves on this issue. Your opinion changes based on which team’s guy is in charge.
Not at all. I’m just aware that whenever people criticized Biden about Israel, they never had any interest in looking Trump’s relationship with Bibi. He has an Israeli settlement named after him in Golan Heights as gratitude for removing restrictions on Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory, or that he said “Israel should just finish the job and stop recording all the videos” of their atrocities.
If you’re going to shout GeNoCiDe JoE during election season and tell people not to vote for him, you should finish the sentiment with the truth, that abstaining from the election would result in Trump winning, which is exactly what happened.
Reminder this is only for offensive weapons. Sanders has no problem sending interceptors to defend the Nazis against any repercussions for their crimes.
And Sanders still refuses to call it a genocide.
And Sanders recently voted to block all funding to the Gazan government and do everything possible to overthrow them.
He did call it ethnic cleansing and a war crime:
What was the vote on blocking funding to the Gazan government, could not find it online?
Not the word genocide crucially. Also:
Notice how Bernazi blames Netanyahu not Israel. And history starts on October 7. This despicable man will not stop denouncing the resistance.
This is the resolution:
Here is a post the explaining the resolution Bernie voted for; to endorse Israel invading Gaza again by calling everything Hamas
I agree there is a strong difference between genocide and ethnic cleansing but in a world where many countries, %100 of republicans and %90 of democrats are calling this a “right to defend”, ethnic cleansing clearly points out what the main motivation is.
And also crucially he says the state of Israel. Sure Israel is full of extreme right nationalists that endorse this war. But not all of them do, and with good conscience a politician who supports peace and unity cannot point fingers at a totality of a population. The right thing to do is point the finger at warmongering states.
The resolution you stated, about stopping support to Hamas…Unfortunately I agree it is a resolution aimed at enabling Israel in the guise of punishing a terrorist organization. Had it really been a resolution that aimed at what it said it would do, I would not see a problem with it. To me it seems Hamas is an organisation that feeds off on the traumatic experiences of a population due to years of torture and genocide by the Israeli state. It is a terrorist organization (like the state of Israel), only less powerful hence less impactful. I find it hard to believe that had it been more powerful, it would follow a very peaceful path. Any solution that aims at expulsion of one of the populations from that area, be it Palestinians or Israelis will keep perpetuating this ethnic cleansing war. And as the war keeps going on, the strong side will commit genocide.
I can understand why people living in Palestine would want to support Hamas, they have seen their loved ones, homes and lives blown to pieces by Israel, neighbours, friends and relatives terrorised by maniacal settlers. But it is what it is, another player in the region reaching for power feeding of people’s justified desire for revenge. But the rest of the world shouldn’t be so eager to support it. Nor should they be so eager to stamp an influential politician who seems to be genuinely looking for peace in the middle east. You may call his methods and statements not forceful enough but compared to %90 of the democrats and all the republicans you are on the same side with him by a wide margin.
But it is what it is, another player in the region reaching for power feeding of people’s justified desire for revenge.
Armed struggle for the liberation of a people is not “revenge”. This is akin to calling Nelson Mandela a vengeful evil man.
Bernie has compromised on far too much to be compromised with. The fact that he is still supporting Israel to this very day says enough.
Well that’s disappointing.
Sanders is a massive disappointment people should really move on from him. AOC as well.
Jesus Christ, man, flawed as they are they are the best we’ve actually got elected at all. How about we ADD TO THEM with more good and better people instead of trying to throw them in the trash so they can be replaced by more Schumers and Rubins?
Because you need to draw a red line somewhere as a starting point and Bernie has already crossed it.
She really lost my support carrying water for genocide.
I’m sure you know more than me about mistakes Bernie has made, but I don’t really understand comments like this.
I believe you should never idolize any politician, and you should similarly distrust all politicians.
If you pro-palestinian folks could get out of your own way for one second perhaps you could accomplish something beyond helping republicans win and then getting arrested and/or deported.
I mean I’m just saying, you’re getting your ass kicked and yet you’re acting like you get to demand adherence to a utopian vision of what American policy should look like. You understand you have no power right? Maybe try helping your allies that do.
If your politicians do not care about brown people getting genocided then they will not care about you either.
Nice username by the way.
Man, Bernie has been so weak on this. Really fucking disappointing.
Damage control, after shattering his reputation & credibility.
Washington post is a shitstain oligarch owned propaganda machine
Agreed. But the event happened regardless. Code pink posted about it on their own site.
Try again.