Exactly. Liberals and conservatives are two sides of the same coin. They simply disagree about what status quo to return to, and who is acceptable to exploit.
Exactly. Liberals and conservatives are two sides of the same coin. They simply disagree about what status quo to return to, and who is acceptable to exploit.
Liberals are reactionaries who wish to return to a former status quo. Leftists wish to move forward to a better status quo. They want opposing things.
Bernie & AOC, while more progressive than most liberals, are still liberals.
LoL. They’re both still feverishly defending sending arms to certain battle zones. Both still subservient to the MIC.
Don’t fall for the media propaganda that these pretenders are peak progressive.
Don’t fall for it again. The Dems are trotting out their token progressives to prevent an exodus from the party.
Weird that isolated clusters are the only sources of fascism in Canada, when the PM’s office had multiple Nazi sympathizer scandals, and indigenous people across the entire country live in fear for their lives.
How are isolated clusters controlling national politics?
LoL. You think Canada’s government has a problem with just one fascist?! It’s infested.
Freeland’s going for the PM spot. A politician with multiple Nazi sympathizer scandals.
It’s wild that Linux stans are such masochists that they believe they can convert people to loving abuse, instead of just making the interface better to attract users.
So are they not paying attention to fascism spreading in Canada?
It’s infected all western countries. Globalization leads to global problems.
Agreed. But the event happened regardless. Code pink posted about it on their own site.
Try again.
Damage control, after shattering his reputation & credibility.
‘It’s safer to let the brown shirts kidnap you, and take you to an undisclosed gulag.’
That’s not an arrest. That’s an abduction.
Arm yourselves. You have a legal right to defend yourself from this.
This implies a fundamental misunderstanding on the party’s role in US politics. They are a capitalist party. They will not challenge capitalists. They’ve already thrown any number elections, rather than give even minor concessions to the left.
His role is not to fight fascism. Never has been. Wake up.
Why not just look it up before declaring ‘they would never do that!’? It takes all of five seconds to confirm whether or not you’re in denial.
This is exactly how they keep getting away with it. Y’all don’t care what Dems do, so long as they do it quietly. The Biden admin was also working on a plan to privatize all of the country’s water and social security.
I don’t appreciate the implication that Dems weren’t also working to privatize Medicaid and Medicare.
The solution is not to empower an alternative who’s backed by the same monied interests.
I’m looking through my comment, and I can’t imagine what you would interpret as undue stress or emotion.
K. And what massive vulnerabilities have been introduced by that? I’ve seen no articles or sources backing that claim.
By his own words, he is not. He is a democratic socialist. He beliefs in reform of capitalism, rather than moving to a better system entirely.