Talk about getting set up like a T-ball.
These idiots are putting property above people
Always have been 👨🚀🔫👨🚀
I do miss the selfawarewolves subreddit for things like this.
You can always make it, I missed r/tf2weaponideas so I just remade it in lemmy
This is the way
Here you go!
imagine thinking being made fun of for your shitty car choices is the same thing as systemic racism
That imaginative thinking is called a metaphor. It can sometimes help people relate two very different concepts
Also driving a T*sla is a choice.
You aren’t born with your hands stuck to the wheel of one and you can sell/get rid of it at any point ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Can you really get rid of it by now? Who’d buy it? Most people can’t just throw away a car, even if it’s associated with a fascist.
Talked about that with my boss recently. He drives a Tesla (has been for a few years) and he says, while he’d like to replace it with something less controversial (besides his personal opinions, also because some of our customers are large German car manufacturers and they do have strong opinions) but, he says, there’s no comparable electric car in a comparable price range (of what you’d get for a 3 or 4 year old model Y) and business isn’t doing so well that he could afford sinking money into something that drives as well and as far on a charge, so for now he’ll have to keep his Tesla and an eye open for a good deal on something better.
So I’d say, if you bought a Tesla within the last year or so, you should’ve known better. If you bought one some time before and want to get rid of it, it’s not always that easy, if you actually need a good car to replace it with.
Idk why people are so on board with getting rid of the things. It’s just virtue signaling.
If you’re leasing then it’s one thing to break the lease but if you’ve purchased it the fucker already has your money. Your actions can no longer hurt his company (except by denying data collection which is only resolved with destruction)
Just slap an “I didn’t know better and regret this thing” bumper sticker on it. It’s more honest virtue signaling than selling it because you made a mistake. Then just switch cars when it makes sense and don’t buy another naziwagon.
E: i was thinking you might get lucky with some charitable acts of vandalism but then recalled that insurers are allegedly denying some claims on teslas, at least cybertrucks.
Yea, let’s create stickers that fit perfectly over the T*sla Logo
Destroying working cars is even worse for sustainability than burning “clean” coal, lol
Well, for my boss it’s partially virtue signaling for opinionated customers and tesla just isn’t what they’d like to see anymore…
It’s bullshit but it’s business, I suppose. In the past, customers have complained because colleagues arrived in a car from a higher status competitor brand.
That’s a bummer situation then.
Flooding the market with used Teslas would hurt the business though, wouldn’t it?
Yep because it drops the resale price, the cheaper the used ones are the more it eats into their new sale margins. If you could get the resale price down to id say they $5000 range you’d probably see folks buying them with the express purpose of fucking with them, which may further damage their reputation since rather than it being a prestige car it’d be the “I wanted to labatomize and modify an electric vehicle” car.
No. Traditionally you just stockpile and artificially generate scarcity in the market until the demand rises again.
Sure, but that only really works when you have something to offer that others don’t. Fact of the matter is Tesla is fucked one way or the other, the traditional car companies are making electric vehicles now, that means any market shrinkage Tesla faces is libel to be filled by their competitors. Combine that with the fact that the market has turned outright hostile and well ya have what we see now.
That’s not even getting into the fact that their stock is falling and the fact they have have to deal with the millstone around their neck called the cyber truck.
In theory i guess, it’s a bold strategy
Can you really get rid of it by now? Who’d buy it?
Sell it for parts.
Make a youtube video out of destroying it in a remote area.
Disaasemble it and turn it into art.
Mark it zero dude, he was over the line.
Its a bad investment, if your values matter more to you than your net worth, you can find a way, you can absorb some monetary loss if you actually care.
Here’s a bunch of alternatives to a Model Y.
Used Ioniq 5s from 2023 or 2022 seem to be going for about the same price as used Tesla Ys from 2022 or 2023 on carfax.
Yeah, you’re not gonna be able to sell a 2 or 3 or 4 year old used EV for a comparable brand new EV… cars depriciate, EVs often more so as the battery pack degrades with wear and can’t really be ‘repaired’, only replaced, which is quite costly in terms of both parts and labor.
Yeah it’s a weird take because if you can afford a Tesla you can afford the few grand it sank in value to get a different vehicle. It’s the usual wallet > morals type of deal where a guy who owns a company and can afford a Tesla is just worried about few hundred bucks
I edited in some actual comprable vehicles and looked up some prices while you made your reply.
… Yeah, I have no idea how you can afford a Tesla Y but not find a comparable alternative.
Its almost like an excuse to justify keeping it.
Yeah I’d be okay if someone who has a Tesla was just honest and said that changing cars is a hassle and seems like too much effort given the backlash is new and the car is 4 years old. That’s at least a logically consistent argument and since they own the car already it doesn’t carry the same moral implications as buying a Tesla post Nazi Elon. Pretending it’s a financial hardship or that nobody would buy it is just lying to yourself I think. Plenty of politically clueless people still buy Teslas in the US.
But they won’t realize it.To the contrary:
Nazi lives don’t matter.
Nazi cars don’t matter.
This ‘all’ shit lumps villains in with people/things worth preserving. Same energy as when folks say shit like “I wouldn’t wish death on anyone” …like bitch, get off your high horse take half a second to understand that defending evil people is damning everyone else.
When a fascist destroyed the world in The Avengers, Thor chopped off his head. That’s what superheroes do in pop culture, they kill bad people
That’s why the CEO shooter is a superhero.
😮Is not directly wishing death to someone the same as defending someone to you?
I think that is pretty hardcore, tho
Depends on the context. There’s a long list of things I would rather have happen to an evil person than death. Best case scenario they develop some self awareness and empathy and become disgusted with their own behavior, and start using their influence for actual good. Failing that, at least the voting population could recognize aforementioned evil and choose not to fucking support it. Failing that, an actually functional system of checks and balances that prevents aforementioned evil dipshit from abusing their authority even if they try. Failing that, an actually functional legal system and prosecutes people (even rich and powerful people) for breaking the law; and laws that aren’t malicious in nature. Failing that… a well placed meteor strike, car accident, heart attack, bear attack, vigilante: don’t care, so long as it removes them from power.
What bugs me is how often we hang out at the edge of that last ‘failing that’ and a horde of apologists feel like they’re holding some kind of moral high ground and drawing the line there, in opposition to any further intervention, and instead just bending over and taking the oppression. And in that case, yes, not wishing death on the supervillian who’s proven to be immune to everything else is synonymous with wishing suffering upon the millions of people under that villain’s influence.
…but, that’s a lot of words, so… you can see why ^that doesn’t make the greatest conversation starter.
😄🫶🏻 I agree pretty much
But, I think after last failed that, it is time to Riot, not wait for natural death of that person. Riot to change laws to be fair. Riot for fair income for all ( like smallest income not allowed to bi smaller than 1/12 of biggest income, or universal income). Riot for a voting system that makes sense. Riot for more political diversity.
Not just kill people, as evil as they are, fight for good law and law enforcement, then you don’t have to do the dirty job.
Boy, fascists will take any chance to cry crocodile tears and claim victimhood.
What? Why would you think he gets the BLM movement from that exchange? That would require an ability to abstract info from one situation, apply it to similiar situations, and use critical thinking and introspection to realize that they were wrong.
And that’s not happening.
yeah! tell 'em! that salient point will surely change their minds! /s