I am all about minimalism and try to live a bit of a minimalist lifestyle. I know I live as one person in a small-ish apartment, so there’s no point to me in having to get things that would involve groups. Like there was a time when I got lots of board games, card games, kitchen appliances like an 8 quart air-fryer and a large size slow cooker. Like who is all of this for? I’m only one person.
So I do pride myself in getting smaller appliances, getting rid of shit when I know I will not have guests ever over. And for the past few weeks, I’ve been condensing and getting rid of more things that I feel no longer apply to me anymore. I thrift so I have picked up numerous amounts of things that peaked my interest, gotten things because I was thinking of a friend and their interests, gotten things because people online said it was the best thing to get so I sought after it until I had it. Books, movies, games .etc the sort.
But it’s like, this shit has been sitting on my shelves and been moved around for years untouched, while I pretty much spend all of my time just doing general life things. Like work, errands and sitting infront of the computer.
And besides the thought of maybe having to move this year, I finally had twisted my own arm to finally get rid of these things as much as I could. Because I don’t want to cart these things around again, I did it before. In fact, three years ago before I moved into my apartment, besides clothes, 4 totes were filled with books. Just books. The same books that mostly sat around unread since I unboxed them all.
And I’d like to not do that again, so I donate. I love to give back as much as I can and as much as I like to spend. If I won’t give the things I’ve spent so much time and money for the time of day, fuck it, they should go to places and people where they could be enjoyed.
There’s also an article I had read recently, I’ll link it here. Because, cutting things out cold turkey never worked for me, because I keep crawling back into wanting that thing again overtime. Though just evaluating where I am, who I am, what the future entails and my ever-changing interests helped a lot more in getting rid of things.
And that’s my method. Yours?
Have I used it in 6 months?
If no, is it a tool? (keep all tools)
If no, is it worth my time to list/sell it? (eBay)
If no, throw it out or donate it.
I love the first criteria for holiday decorations!
Not a great rule for winter coats though :)
For sure apply that exception as you see fit 🙂 Some things aren’t intended for regular use, but you’re glad they’re there when the time comes.
I just follow the most basic rule:
Did I touch it in the last year? No? Then I can throw it away.Every couple of years I do a big purge of things I have not used or worn. First to goodwill then to the dump, it is very cathartic.
I’ll sell or give away things online fairly regularly.
Just get a few things out there at a time when you bother to.
Look them up on ebay/marketplace/mercari, give to friends or free group on fb, donate to good local charity, dump junk at goodwill, garbage. All in that order
I don’t even try Facebook Marketplace (or Ebay) anymore. I just ask on the local group “anybody fancy…” It’s much more effective. I think because then you get impulse buyers too instead of people looking for something specific.
Goodwill is at times a good place to dump almost anything. I mean, I’ve shopped at their buy the pound stores and I’ve found all sorts of trash that is between discarded goods.
If I’m really desperate to get rid things, I just bundle totes and boxes, throw whatever in it and leave it downstairs or nearby in my apartment. This has had mixed effects, but people do take things. Last time though, some asshole only took the tote while spreading everything out in the hallway, which technically would make me viable for littering.
Your close circle might enjoy what you have. Posting days of giveaways in front of your house/elevator/flat could also help ? “Pay what you want” kinda vibe ?
Like others have stated, I go by how often I use an item. How often I’ve touched it over a few months, do I think about it, etc.
I also look for items that may have a dual purpose. For instance, do I need a meat shredder or will my hand mixer that I use for other tasks work for it? (It does) I also use this logic to prevent acquiring new items which is the other half of this equation. You don’t have to purge what you don’t acquire.
The last thing is being honest with myself. There are some hobbies I used to love doing, but have no desire now and will probably not have time to do anyways. So items related to those get sold/donated. It may seem financially wasteful, but it also provides a test for yourself on whether you actually will use the items. If you end up buying some of those things again, forgive yourself and keep them next time you think about it.
Do a rehearsal move. Pack everything you have into boxes. Take out from the boxes only the things you need to use. Things that stay in the box for more than 12 months are things you probably don’t need and you can donate/sell them.
And besides the thought of maybe having to move
This is actually a great mindset to have, because it is a perspective that encourages having less stuff. You can also think of stuff as requiring effort even if it is sitting somewhere untouched. You should still be dusting it, move it if it is in the way, clean behind it, and so on even if you don’t use it. Just possessing things requires effort if you want a clean living space, and anything you have means less space to move around in or to store the things you do use.
Honestly your overall method is solid. If you haven’t used something in a reasonable period of time then you aren’t likely to. Although you didn’t mention it, having it around is also a reminder that you aren’t using it which can be a mood killer for some people or lead to feeling overwhelmed.
Like money, you need enough stuff to live happily, but an excess doesn’t lead to more happiness. It also isn’t necessary to reduce stuff all at once. Evaluate what you still use regularly and a few keepsakes are perfectly fine!
Konmari method: does this spark joy? If not, thank you, time to move on
I throw stuff i dont use or want in my trunk and then when enough things are filling my trunk and im driving by a goodwill and theyre open i drop it off at the donation. I dont use facebook and i had a guy threaten me over a free bike i was giving away so im done with offer up and all that shit. I do occasionally use ‘buy nothing’ app Which is just folks in my community But lately just give to goodwill
Don’t offer stuff online for free. You attract the scum of the earth. If you list things for £1 you get a completely different type of people. Never engage with people who are looking for free things on Facebook marketplace.
And from personal experience, don’t try to donate in apartments/neighborhoods where you know people act trashy or shady. Like people trashing things around and being picky before shuffling off leaving you or others the responsibility to clean up.