I think it’s more like he fell near his sword such that it went harmlessly in between his arm and side, played dead for a few seconds, then checked through one half-open eye to see if anyone bought it.
I mean I know most of this admin are complete buffoons, but for some reason I can’t give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe because it took this long to own up to it, and other people in the group chat denied multiple times that it even happened.
Trying to fall on the sword but missing it completely is typical GOP syncophant behavior.
I think it’s more like he fell near his sword such that it went harmlessly in between his arm and side, played dead for a few seconds, then checked through one half-open eye to see if anyone bought it.
I mean I know most of this admin are complete buffoons, but for some reason I can’t give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe because it took this long to own up to it, and other people in the group chat denied multiple times that it even happened.