He looks outraged, right?
As always, ACAB.
He should be calling for an investigation into bombing Yemen.
Even so, slowly and constantly (committing genocide) over 30 years is better than devastation over 30 months.
I don’t even have the words for how insanely fucked up this mindset is.
Bunk said it to a crime lab tech.
And just found out it was also in Stephen King’s The Dark Tower, book 4, which I read wayyyy back when.
It’s the world’s smallest violin, playing ‘My Heart Pumps Purple Piss for You’.
It’s an old saying from back in the day (70s to 80s).
Check out The Wire for reference.
Awww. Poor rich babies are annoyed. My heart pumps purple piss for them.
FAFO assholes.
The Handmaid’s Tale, part 36.
It’s generally known as a document dump that prosecutors use to overwhelm the defense, in the hope that they won’t find the important bits that may lead to an exoneration.
Okay. So I guess the politicians’ kids will be first in line for those ‘jobs’, right?
Trying to fall on the sword but missing it completely is typical GOP syncophant behavior.
Jfc. Every article increasingly reveals just how inept Trump and his syncophants truly are.
Why not both?
America is being set up for devastation when the next pandemic hits.
I found two sources for this info.
Who could see their Social Security benefits stopped?
Government Executive reports that the SSA memo proposes ceasing payments that are made to people without Social Security numbers. While people without an SSN are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits of their own, there are scenarios where they can accept benefits on behalf of an eligible person who does have an SSN as that person’s “representative payee.”
A link in that text goes to https://www.govexec.com/management/2025/03/ssa-weighs-axing-payments-170000-beneficiaries/403740/ and it gives an example:
That task could be arduous, as finding payees is already so difficult that at times the agency turns to institutional payees like child welfare agencies, said Romig. SSA staff also have to assess the suitability of payees.
“Say you’re a kid and you don’t have a payee for a while — they stop paying the benefit until they sort it out,” she said of the potential for interruptions to benefits.
It may be that the OP read that and extrapolated it to mean orphans would be cut off … which may or may not be true.
Maybe, except the damage to America would be far worse than the EU breaking up and reverting to pre-EU status. Why? Because the United States of America is almost 250 yrs old vs the EU at 74 yrs old.
A separated America has no idea how to operate individually as there is no ‘remembered’ history on how to do that (ie: no one alive who could help lead through experience).
Europe has that history and would survive. America would devolve into civil war and self-immolate.
I somehow doubt that the USA will survive the next 50 yrs intact, because the way it’s going it looks more and more like 50 little fiefdoms fighting to separate from their neighbors.
I miss people like Frank Zappa and George Carlin.
Same as Japan didn’t join the war until Dec 7, 1941.
The more orange his face gets, the whiter his hair looks.
It’s the bleach effect.