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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: December 13th, 2024


  • We suffer today because we allowed the right to strip away workers rights. Entire generations have been convinced they are better off without collective bargaining.

    Everything else is pure fucking noise.

    Globalization is the excuse they use for why unions are bad but there are tons of jobs that cannot be unions with terrible wages so clearly globalization is not the problem but it is a very convient excuse because we get to blame Those People.

    You’re still relying on making this personal. You aren’t at pure of thought as think yourself as you mouth these well established platitudes.

    The idea I am discussing here is a pure libertarian stance on commerce and I understand why you are unable to label it correctly as the American Libertarian are just anti-tax morons who are too embarrassed to call themselves republicans.

    The government should not be protecting industries via tariffs. Trump supporters love tariffs and agree with your stances therefore you are a Trump lover.

    See how easy that was to paint you as something you likely are not? It’s far easier to label people so you can dismiss them than to attempt understanding a perspective that conflicts with your own.

  • Yes, that’s exactly why I’m for allowing countries that can do it cheaper to import their goods. It’s cheaper for everyone.

    No one is owed a job, using the government to project jobs and profits cost us all. It is corporation socialism sold with the slogan, “think of the workers” – the fact that the right pushes for this agenda is a huge fucking red flag. They pick and choose the workers they pretend to care about and every single time it’s because there is a huge opportunity to extract profit from labor.

    I think the peoblem here is I understand the world more than you. I didn’t use such a silly appeal to make my position because I use logical and you used feelings and insults.