Lol, change it to “buy groceries and pay rent” and it still works
Lol, change it to “buy groceries and pay rent” and it still works
I’m not saying that other middle eastern countries are better, but you are delusional if you think that israel isn’t a far right near-dictatorship that is committing a genocide that is only barely stopped by the world and the left people in Israel.
Yeah, it will definitely hurt some populations a lot.
I take it back.
DISCLAIMER: This is only true to the population that does take care of their teeth, which means that it will actually negatively affect some people in a serious way.
While stopping the usage of fluoride in water is a bad decision that will lead to people having more dental issues, I would like to say that there are other developed nations that don’t have fluoride in their water and it’s not the end of the world. Because in modern times people use toothpaste and dental floss and have all of this routine that most people do twice a day, the fluoride in the water is not nearly as significant as that routine.
I don’t have the research right now but I do remember that I once dove into it and most of the studies are pretty old and the dental hygiene that we have today did not exist to the same degree and therefore fluoride in the water was a more significant additive.
Or! Your last dinner is five guys.
Pork sausage!
Alternatively you can just have your last dinner with five guys
I think we need to agree to disagree because I feel like we both said what we had to say. I still think you are missing the point and you still think I’m over analyzing.
Yes but not legally. They are also legally bound to EU laws, which would protect the clients that bpught the software. But! Just like plenty of companies pulled out of Russia, if the US does not care and decides ro enable this behavior then they could do it without too much trouble.
But I doubt this would happen, the EU is a big part of their income, and money is what they care about.
Yeah but that’s just semantics. I wouldn’t phrase it that way but in the context of the comment I don’t think this is an attempt at reducing the issue
If you are white, go call a black person a removed in a friendly way (like black people do to eachother sometimes) and see how well that goes. History matters, the origin of a word matters. Sure, maybe in a 100 years the meaning will change, but currently it is still widely recognized as a homophobic slur.
And even if you were gay, that does not make you immune to internelized homophobia. Just like there are plenty of black people who disagree with the usage of the word removed even if spoken by a black person, because it is still rooted in racism.
Just learn a bit before bothering others with educating you. History matters, the way that this slur has been used historically and presently, is mostly homophobic.
Sorry for the short temper, this thread has been too long and I already explained this on another comment.
To be fair, teeth are fucking expensive. Like almost as bad as buying a house.
My grandma had to spend 100K on her teeth over the last few years of her life, and she had insurance. Insurance companies just don’t really cover teeth because it is expensive and our bodies guarantee that they will start going bad after young adulthood and then really shit the bed towards the last few decades of life.
I think you are missing the point, which is that “cocksucker” should not be used as an insult because it’s homophobic. Even if you personally identify it as a power dynamic insult, it does not change the fact that it is rooted in homophobia and that the OOP most likely used it without any thought as to its meaning and history but rather it just came to him as a viable insult (internalized homophobia)
Too lazy to write two separate responses? I’ll try!
“Don’t be a bigot” = dystopian future
Sound logic.
Oh shit, that’s the same message, guess you will have to read it twice, maybe that way it will get through to you.
You can be better, reflect on your bigotry and grow as a person.
“Don’t be a bigot” = dystopian future
Sound logic
Being submissive in sex can be expressed in a blowjob, but so can being dominant. Most sexual acts can be either dominant or submissive under the right context. For example a person can forcibly (consensually) throw the other person down, pin them to the floor and start going down on them while not letting them orgasm. Is the person being overpowered and forced to be frustrate by not orgasming the one in power?
Your understanding of mutual respect and love is unhealthy if you compare going down on someone to bootlicking.
He could have also said “vaginalicker” but he didn’t, he used a well known homophobic slur. Also, if he wanted to say submissive he could have used well known submissive insults.
It implies that for a man, sucking cock (a legitimate sexual act for any gender) is an insult because that would make him gay. So Homophobic.
Blowing and now against the wall? UwU
Fuck you!