More evidence Elon is compromised and in bed with both Xi and Putin (Shitter has investors from Russia).
Another republican pedophile, of course.
Admin fucked around and found out.
Apparently, it does, as an act of E.O. that whole line concerns me - that they’ll use the budget to buy bitcoin while laying off workers and cutting social security.
They don’t. It’s being floated. Trump said he’s going to create a reserve. Not an official act yet.
When you don’t vote what you think doesn’t count.
Trump is doing this to distract media attention from the biggest fuck-up of his administration so far, and there’s been a lot.
If you had gold and you are starving, then you deserve to die.
Bud, a little too late for that now.
Good god please no. Not again.
I am just gloating in delight from this news. They pissed him off once already by ignore his orders. Oh boy he’s going to make shit airtight this time.