Jesus Himslef would start throwin’ hands if He saw how His flock became a bunch of fuck heads.
Jesus Himslef would start throwin’ hands if He saw how His flock became a bunch of fuck heads.
1st Trump administration they were handing out uppers and downers like fucking candy so…yeah, probably high as fuck.
Hey, it’s the thing we said was going to happen!!?! Who would have thought we were right!!!
Elmo’s AI program.
That’s Fawx News job. Republicans hide from people asking questions.
I still have my account with a Credit Union I started in 2003. I love my little bank.
We got Measles, guys!! Running amuck too with amazingly overpriced healthcare!!
How great is that!
Also we will have you deported to an El Salvador concentration camp if you say the words genocide and Israel together!
Sign with the EU, Ukraine but first string these assholes along as long as you can.
I’m sure they would, but WhiskeyLeaks and the Perjury Gang would level whole cities and villages without a thought. They dropped an entire complex because they saw the guy they were targeting go in to see his girlfriend and got wet when they heard of the destruction.
One guy and they killed 50+ men, women, and children.
I’m listening to the Brewers game on Sirius, and a trump ad came on for the Wisconsin Supreme Court race and it was all about “We must try to preserve the good things that trump has done for us!”
Me like: what the fuck you smoking? Everything is fucked beyond belief! People are being disappeared, fucking Measles is back, and they are threatening our Canadian neighbors! WHAT IS GOOD ABOUT THAT SHIT?!?
something stinks
That’s coming from your shorts, you fucked up penial implant having, ketamine snorting nazi fuck.
Why would WhiskeyLeaks care? They are put there to serve him damn it.
They are fucking with paying SS to the boomers.
There’s a reason it’s called “the Third Rail” of American politics.
Sweet lawd let it be so. 🙏
Jesus Christ. Look at this relic.
Methed Up Captain Ahab.
^ this is my new favorite thing for this administration
Sir…this is a Wendy’s.