They call it a job for teenagers, but will actually have a meltdown if mcdonalds isn’t open during school hours. God help if they have to wait 2 minutes because staff is low
They call it a job for teenagers, but will actually have a meltdown if mcdonalds isn’t open during school hours. God help if they have to wait 2 minutes because staff is low
Sure that explains the bottom gap, but the side gaps are the issue. I’ve never made eye contact with a grown man that’s crawled under my stall. I have made eye contact with someone walking by the stall door through the door crack.
I’d accept him dying in the next month for any reason and being replaced by a Democrat in a special election.
But like if we can have both that’s good too
Now let’s watch Republicans tell us why this is a good thing
On a NATO nation, wonder if they’ll all attack us in retaliation
If a judge were to rule against agricultural labor in the heat it would go against the very slavery enshrined in the US Constitution
County appraisers refused to drop the value. They like their tax revenue
That’s how it should be, but the county refuses to deem it uninhabitable. They like their tax revenue
No part of the land is directly owned by my parents. It is owned by the estate, which is 50/50 between my parent and my uncle. Trust me if my parents owned the land under their trailer they would be a lot less stressed.
Like I said them continuing to live there is not an issue. Maybe if my uncle pressed it it would become one, but all he wants is 100k +. So he really doesn’t care beyond that.
Unfortunately his wants aren’t compatible with the reality of the situation.
No one has pursued a forced arbitration, and honestly I’m not sure why. Per the lawyer it seems like the property can exist in limbo indefinitely, or at least until one party forces something. It’s a weird stalemate of unrealistic expectations. He wants a lot of money, but also doesn’t want to pay a lawyer himself or do any work. As long as this continues my parents keep their home at least.
My grandfather’s home is vacant, my parents live in a separate trailer on the property. So that’s the crux isn’t it, what does vacancy mean? Because on paper this property has an occupied trailer and an unoccupied single family home. It’s one “property” but the trailer and home are taxed separately by the county and owned by different people. The county does consider them seperate dwellings, unlike a mother-in-law suite.
The estate lawyer has made it clear there are no issues from my parents living on the property still and there is no expectations of payment. It’s definently not squatting, 50% of the estate does belong to my parents after all.
He’s a very stubborn man, and very convinced an asset he’s never seen has tremendous worth. He was apparently very disappointed that my grandfather only had $100 in his checking.
In this proposed scenario, if he does nothing he loses some money (he’s doing pretty well), but then my parents become homeless through his inaction. That seems wrong.
My family lives on the land yes, but ownership of the land belongs only to the estate. No issue with a rent payment since there was never a rent payment prior to my grandfather’s death.
The house is, the land does have some value even after demolition costs. Basically uncle thinks it’s worth 200,000. In reality it’s worth 40,000, maybe a bit less.
Also my parents have their trailer (does not belong to the estate) on the property. They’d love to settle it, but 1 party refuses.
This plan would actually make my parents homeless as they can’t afford to purchase anything else or rent anywhere near where they live. If they could at least divide the proceeds of the land sale they might be able to afford something. This proposed tax would break them
Disagree, my grandfather’s home has set vacant for nearly 4 years now after his passing. The estate cannot be wrapped up due to my estranged uncle not believing the property is worthless.
The county keeps upping the tax assessment, and so he’s convinced it’s worth something and refuses to visit the preoperty.
On paper this is an unused house in reality the roof finally fell in about 6 months after my grandfather died. The county refuses to condem it because they want the tax revenue and my estranged uncle has held up the estate indefinitely with unrealistic expectations.
I wouldn’t say my poor as fuck family deserve a 100% annual tax on the assessed value of a near worthless asset.
Start going to protests. I know I have since everything began.
If we can have a progressive takeover of the democratic party like the magas did to the republican party, our democracy may still have a decent chance
Seriously where are all the conservative Christians that were so afraid of barcodes. These guys have turned revelations into a check list, but it’s okay because he’s “your” guy?
What do you mean a sovereign nation doesn’t want to cede large amounts of territory to an invading force?
I had a proffessor in college that only allowed the use of 1mm black G2s. He was ancient and claimed he could not read anything else
National debt doesn’t work like personal debt. It’s much more complex.
Anyway if all government spending stopped due to a default it would get very very bad. Like you don’t have food to eat bad
50 state governments administer the election independently in each state.
Civil war 2?