Obama wasn’t president, or was he white?
I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
Anarchist/libsoc. If we’re stuck with a government, it should use its taxes for healthcare and education, not murdering.
Obama wasn’t president, or was he white?
I agree completely, but when she first came onto the scene I had a bit of hope.
Plus I have to censor myself so liberals don’t think I’m somehow a Russian bot despite being an anarchist.
Yes, a year or so ago she was looking fine. Time changes and new info makes me consider new things.
Newsom confirmed for being a Russian bot that made the account 5 days ago! /j
One year ago I would have agreed. I would have loved to see him with Harris as the VP pick.
And now I just regret ever thinking that.
Yeah Cryophillia has previously dismissed me. I wonder if they’ll forget this next time they say I’m somehow an Ultra Secret Double Agent Trump supporter.
Hey guess what happened with them again within 24 hours, I think they have some form of memory loss.
“But you can always tell! They’re so obvious!”
Not a shock that Rural Redneck Inc. has dipshits for managers, as the owners are some of the most unethical monsters ever bred in the capitalist culture of America.
Someday they’ll log off and touch grass instead of calling everyone around them the weirdo, when they’re the one no one likes.
I miss when they were offline for a few months after the election. I think they’re just here to cause people to think every hardcore democrat is this insuffferable.
Major sarcasm/irony on that, mind you.
Yes, I am a secret russian, despite the fact Putin should be hanged and I want a free Ukraine. And I hate how Lenin killed the anarchists in Ukraine.
You see red and only see Republican, ignoring the other contexts of colors in history, everyone is political cartoon, 2D and exaggerated.
Where would They Might Be Giants and Barenaked Ladies be on this? BNL, despite the name, isn’t horny.
Yeah Cryophillia has previously dismissed me. I wonder if they’ll forget this next time they say I’m somehow an Ultra Secret Double Agent Trump supporter.
You will never admit that they have any at all.
Never in a million years, next time someone says “I don’t think Biden should have slowed Trump’s arrest.” they’ll just go “huh, must be a Russian bot.”
Yes, when you pretend that everyone to your left is all the way to your right, you get to dismiss everyone to your left. Pretty sure that’s the only time you have anything bad to say about anyone you claim to be to your right.
Anyone to the left of Reagan/Biden is a Tankie to them.
Trump sucks shit, I’ve never once denied that. Dig through my entire history, you’ll never find me unironically praising Trump, or ever saying he did something great. I don’t think he’s ever done anything good, at least on purpose. I can think of maybe stopping pennies, but that’s like… nothing great.
I don’t like Democrats, but I hate Republicans. I vote Democrat because they’re the only option I have. I’m allowed to call out my reps and the party who has anyone with a braincell hostage because they vote on Trump’s cabinet picks, flip flop on voting no for his Enabling acts, and then act like its some great favor for us that they give Trump what he wants, and how with just another $5 they can finally stop Trump this time.
I want Trump dead. I’ll settle for him rotting in jail. He should have been in jail for Jan 6. He wasn’t. I can only blame Garland for slowing that shit, and not getting the rest of Trump’s enablers and rioters on Jan 6.
Sorry you find me saying “Democrats voting Yes on Trump’s wants isn’t good for anyone.” is somehow bad in your eyes. If Democrats voted no, I’d be happy. I’d be praising them if they stood up, like Al Green, like I have been. If they filibustered to slow him down like Bitch McConnell did for anything good Obama could have pushed for in his second term, I’d be cheering.
You did that, you fucking moron. God damn Mitch is acting like he’s just some misunderstood good guy when he’s why it happened. Moscow Mitch is a nickname for a reason.
If he can take credit for the past admin, he can take credit for his failures.
He won’t, Trump can do no wrong according to himself and his cult followers. Anything good is all him, anything bad is a nebulous thing he had no part of.
This dude really hates when someone calls out their favorite sports team who agrees with Trump, but says they aren’t anything like Trump.
If Trump was registered Democrat they’d still just go “democrats bad” to any actual meaningful critcism.
Is voting for/with Trump’s wants good for America and its people, yes or no? To me, it’s no. I don’t think we should Trump anything he wants.
This is the real personality tests, fuck Myers-Briggs and astrology. I need to know your choices for stationary.
Killing people in the middle east has been a source of income for us since the 1950s, a chat room error can only happen since the 90s, it’s the new interesting thing for the media to gawk at as people are being killed.
This place still insists that Trump’s assassination attempt was a set up, a key point being “without looking it up, tell me who did it! That’s proof!”
I fucking hate my state for this shit. Acts like we’re better than Texas or Florida but still is proudly bigoted and hates the poor.