Absolute incompetent, unknowning foreign assets doing grave damage to national security.
SM Damned H.
Oh you mean they read the Atlantic
This fiasco brought to you by the American voter.
Buy the ticket, Take the ride!
I’m sure the Trump administration doesn’t care. They weren’t having the conversation on Signal to hide it from foreign governments, it was to hide it from the American public.
All because murica is a racist, misogynistic country that couldnt handle the thought of a black woman leading the country. Hope it works out well for ya!
Fuck off with that shit. All this is the result of neoliberals abandonment of the working class.
All this is the result of neoliberals abandonment of the working class.
pfft, neolibs didn’t stay home, they voted.
Nah, im going to fuck on with that shit
Yeah, holding the
citizensvictims of authoritarians accountable for the actions of their corrupt leaders had helped humanity so much. Take your useless bigotry and shove it where the sun don’t shine.I will not be reciprocating this bullshit sentiment if/when this disease spreads to wherever you live. And spread it will…
Then lose the next election, let Josh Shapiro and Chuck Schumer come hand in hand to lose the next election (if there even is a next one) by repeating their losing strategy of trying to appeal to the right.
Im lucky enough to not be murican, so I dont care about your next election
Nor do I care about the next American election, are we the same person?
Watching US alongside its neighbors Canada and Mexico enter a mess because of neoliberals in America sabotaging themselves, allowing an Orangutan into office is a better beverage than a French Vanilla Cappuccino.
Then give me one fucking reason why I shouldn’t start spreading lies and misinformation to fuck up Canada, too? Because that’s what you’re doing by giving the Democrats a scapegoat to avoid fixing their failed economic policies.
All because murica is a racist, misogynistic country that couldnt handle the thought of a black woman leading the country
While this likely played some part, the main problem (at least in my eyes) was just how awful Kamala Harris was as a candidate.
They abandoned the working class so the workers abandoned them.
Ahh, yes. Youre so much better off now. I hope you enjoy every minute of it!
I don’t believe America is better off under Trump compared to if it was under Kamala Harris, try again.
Especially since one of the members in the chat was in fact IN RUSSIA at the time!
Bacon, a former Air Force brigadier general
So he’s not just a random idiot like most GOP reps I guess. Not precluding him from being an idiot on account of being a GOP rep though. Kamala won his district so he wouldn’t gain much from sucking Trump’s dick too often.
Bacon has only enough spine to say that things are not okay just before voting lockstep with his party.
“I will guarantee you, 99.99 percent with confidence, Russia and China are monitoring those two phones,” Bacon told CNN’s Manu Raju. “So I just think it’s a security violation, and there’s no doubt that Russia and China saw this stuff within hours of the actual attacks on Yemen or the Houthis.”
This “article” provides zero evidence of the assertion, and just assumes China and Russia own these phones with an on-device compromise? Signal is encrypted, unlike the SMS infrastructure which has been fully owned by China for years. The only known way to compromise it is on a device itself, not by “monitoring” these devices (watching SMS traffic). Or, this pundit knows about secret Signal hacks the rest of the world doesn’t…
Signal doesn’t bridge to SMS any more, so I fail to see how these messages would be intercepted unless these people are walking around with compromised phones. Yes, it’d only take one person in this group to compromise the whole thing, but making this assertion without any explainer is just clickbait.
What are the odds they were included in that chat on purpose?
I would say next to none.
If they indeed used personal phones of regular consumer brands then … yeah, I assume zero day exploits would indeed have been used to gain persistent access. It’s at least in the realm of the possible.
In fairness, Trump likely called Putin and told him personally…
Of course. Fucking synchronous replication for this administration with Russia.
Don Bacon, I will guarantee you with 99.99% certainty that nobody else saw those chats. But that doesn’t matter, highly sensitive internal government discussions should not be had on consumer messaging platforms.
Also, it’s sad and telling when the highlight of the event is how information was handled and not the fact that civilians on the other side of the world were killed using millions of dollars of taxpayer money.
Cool, hopefully Russia sees all war plans and other such information from now on.