Actually, space law is an important thing. And bread science… Hey, I’m german, I love bread, I want bread science.
I actually think that porn history is quite Extensive and can be made into a subfield of it’s own, so it Isn’t as ridiculous as it might seem at the first glance
Actually, space law is an important thing.
So, do you play Space Station 13, or Space Station 14?
(“Lawyer” is a playable class in SS13, and a base starting class in SS14.)
Neither. I just know space law actually exist in reality.
Oh hey, I know that game.
😂 I actually watched this show after seeing this meme and the guy was legit. He could calm any pussy
I can’t tell if Gary Spivey is for real or if it’s a satire act, but the dude looks like he’s having a blast either way.
You should click my profile pic to see him dressed in leather with his wig helmet, holding an eagle.
Hot damn
Is this a game to you? Do you see the dead-serious commitment on this man’s face?
I feel like Porn Historian and Anime Tiddies Expert can be merged into one overarching field.
Well of course a layperson would think that!
This is a gross oversimplification of two distinct and well studied fields. Good luck getting an Oxford fellow to comment on big ol anime tiddies or getting a Harvard professor to know the kind of porn Lincoln beat his meat to.
Seems like more a venn diagram to me.
Disappointed “Yeast Lords” wasn’t included.
Alan Moore requested his titles
Did the other people not request or state their own titles?
Moore seems cool tho. I cannot say enough how much I enjoyed his swamp thing comics.
He seems a tad lively for a Rasputin impersonator tho
I’m disappointed that the about section on Spivey’s website doesn’t elaborate on or even mention his credentials for his expertise on Anime Tiddies.
Nice to see Alan Moore on here.
In morrowind I came up with a class I called a “Vagina Monger” then later I made a new file where my class was a “Tim Allen’s Toenail”
Other classes I thought of, but didn’t do. “Professional Titty Feeler” “Paizuri Expert” “Pimp” “AGAB Member” (All Guards Are Bastards)
Now I have my next Morrowind playthroughs sorted
I trust Gary Spivey’s opinions on anime tiddies.
Is he an authority on shredded cheese, or is he a cheese authority that is shredded, or is he shredded cheese and a Dom?
Scientists do studies on bread since the 19th century. There are bread institutes in many countries like Germany in Russia. Not sure why it is in that list.
Is there any video game like that or is it board/ttrpg only?