Exactly what Russia wanted.
Now do SWIFT! Now do SWIFT!
Sucks for Ukraine among others, but this is probably the biggest gift the third world got from the first world since decolonization.
but this is probably the biggest gift the third world got from the first world since decolonization.
Fucking lmao
Uh… Do you think Europe doing America’s bidding was ever good for the third world?
Pug has some problems socializing. But they’re not wrong. You act like Europe has no agency. That they’re nothing but a puppet. Which is a suspect claim on the face of it. The United States absolutely influenced a lot of them. But didn’t force them or puppet them. South America is a slightly different can of worms. But that’s not the accusation you made.
That sort of BS is straight out of the russian/ml propaganda playbook. I’m not saying my country didn’t do heinous shit in our name. They absolutely did and I don’t defend it. But that certainly isn’t justification to Parrot equally bad groups BS.
You act like Europe has no agency.
I didn’t mean to imply that. Europe actively chose to follow America’s lead in the quid pro quo that defined their alliance for the past 80 years. However, Europe on its own has very few imperialist ambitions; most (but not all) European acts of imperialism over the past three decades have been following in America’s lead, and therefore with Trump having thrown the quid pro quo in the trash and started to actively antagonize Europe it stands to reason that they’ll cooperate with American ambitions far less now.
They only cooperated when it was in their interests. Never when it was against their interests. They will absolutely cooperate again the very next time it is in their interests. Because that’s the only hold the United States has ever really had over them.
That’s kind of how friends and allies work. It’s why they are so quick to dump Trump right now. He’s removed all possible interest for them to cooperate. They’re under no obligation to. Never were. And as such they rightfully kicked his ass to the curb.
And again the talk about imperialism. Specifically the time frame of the last 30 years. Extra suspect. I seem to remember plenty of imperialism right around that time over in europe. Fights over the Falklands specifically with england etc. Hell there’s Russia’s current imperialism against ukraine. Mainland taiwan’s saber rattling against actual Taiwan etc.
They only cooperated when it was in their interests. Never when it was against their interests.
What interest did Europe have have in Afghanistan or Iraq? What about Israel? If anything Europe should be invested in a stable Middle East so they don’t have a refugee crisis every other Tuesday, whixh fundamentally goes against the American goal of an unstable Middle East that can’t band together and control its oil exports.
They will absolutely cooperate again the very next time it is in their interests.
America’s current relationship with Europe is gone. They’ll have to build a new relationship with a more independent Europe if they want them to cooperate in the American empire project again, this time with less leverage because Europe is making sure it’ll never need American security again. A lot of the leverage America used to get Europe to on its side is just gone now.
They’re under no obligation to. Never were.
Again, I explicitly said it’s not an obligation; it’s a deal. America provides technology, weapons and security and in return Europe helps America’s imperial ambitions, in addition to a lot of economic mutual back scratching.
Fights over the Falklands specifically with england etc. Hell there’s Russia’s current imperialism against ukraine. Mainland taiwan’s saber rattling against actual Taiwan etc.
Falklands was a defensive war (setting aside whether the British claim to the territories is legitimate or not); I don’t see any imperialism here beyond having a territory in South America in the first place. About Russia, when I said Europe I meant US-aligned Europe (which is most of the continent); obviously Russia is very much imperialist. I’m also not sure what Taiwan has to do with this.
Edit: It’s already happening.
Europe doing America’s bidding
Are you calling europe third world?
No? The gift here is that Europe will stop doing America’s bidding when it comes to (among other things) oppressing the third world. If you want to argue they already weren’t we have a whole debate about that in the other reply chain so you can do that there.
Then sorry, must have misread your comment. Thanks for clarifying.
Finally the last of us Euros are hearing the trumpet and want to get away from the shackles of the eagle