Nice meme
Fuck Jack Daniels though
Pls expand
It’s garbage whiskey?
deleted by creator
Last housemate was a Alcoholic. This was essentially his diet.
Isn’t it amazing what the human body is capable of?
Boil the ramen in the whiskey.
I miss shopping meals one day at ajtime.
Thought that was a pint (375 ml) bottle in the first pic, but its as big as the 5th (750 ml) in the second picture. Is that a plastic 5th?
375ml pint? Confused European noises
Its a holdover from the time before liquor started being sold in metric quantities. It’s not consistent at all, a pint is 375ml, a half pint is 200ml. A 5th, for fifth of a gallon, is 750ml. The names are used because they visually resemble the old containers. They are slowly falling out of use, but replacement terms haven’t really stuck and just stating the ml doesn’t have the same charm.
Worth noting this just applies to booze. A pint of milk here means a US pint of milk (~473ml). Same goes for beer
Yea we call 200mls a half pint and 375 a pint. Confused American noises. Some of those imperial terms have stuck, but I have made the full switch in my head to metric as far as volume goes.
If I ordered a pint and got anything less than 500ml I’d be pissed haha.
Back when I was an active alcoholic, I’d go through one of those a day. That was my version of moderation 🙃
I don’t think that’s a 750 ml, it’s a pretty small bottle relative to the ramen packets. I think that’s actually just a weirdly shaped pint bottle in the second photo
Ok yea you are probably right. I forgot the 375s also have a square bottle. Worked at a couple liquor stores, we only carried the slim plastic ones.
We call it a Mickey in Canada, not a pint. Fun
Now I need to know where that came from.
Not sure. Just always been called that.
We also got the Texas Mickey too! 3000ml bottles
If I wasn’t boycotting America right now, I’d absolutely get one of those.
Ever try Canadian club whisky as a replacement? They also have Texas Mickey
Jesus Christ, I haven’t seen those before! What’s that cost?!
No clue, pretty sure it’s not being sold because it’s American, but the Smirnoff Texas Mickey is like 122cdn
Reviews like ‘tastes like highschool’ reminice very well over here.
Thanks for that link. I’ve seen plastic fifths like that before but I’ve never seen a pint shaped like that.
Ramen is delicious